The mamas behind the scenes at Kids Who Explore, share weekly episodes covering all things exploring (with kids), from simple walks outside to camping in the backcountry. Expect interviews with explorers from all over the world and lots of takeaways for your own future adventures! Instagram: @kidswhoexplore Facebook: Kids Who Explore Website: www.kidswhoexplore.com
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Ep. 40 Grounding in All Seasons with Dr. Laura Koniver
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
“When I talk about grounding, I’m talking about physically touching the earth. Head to toe, you are conductive, [and] the earth has an actual heartbeat.” Those are the words of Dr. Laura Koniver, who is a true expert on grounding/earthing. If you haven’t heard of this before, don’t miss out! It will quite literally, change your life!
Laura Koniver, M.D. is also known as the Intuition Physician. She says that she loves approaching health and well-being from every angle and offering the most helpful solution to her patients. She started studying and practicing medicine, and then, when her first daughter was born, she listened to her mama heart and paved her own unique path. Since then, she has grown her family, but you can also find her speaking as an expert on grounding, running online health classes, making art, writing books, designing grounding tools, and of course, grounding herself!
Some of the MANY Benefits of Grounding:
- Your brain waves go into a healing pattern
- Your muscle tension drops
- It heals inflammation in the body
- Your sleep patterns change, for the better
- It supports vagal tones
- It calms the nervous system
- It improves lungs, the heart, and so much more!!
- A study showed it helps babies in the NICU bio-regulate their temperature (Wow!!! How does everyone not know about this?!)
Ways to Ground for Those with Mobility Issues, or In Severe Weather:
- Indoor grounding options (refer to Dr. Koniver’s website)
- Ground through the hands (touch a tree in the ground, or a metal pole in the ground, or parts of the earth, like a rock)
- Touch someone else who is grounded
Dr. Koniver suggests that we recharge our bodies! Don’t fall into the rut of taking better care of your electronics, than you do your body.
To Keep Safe from Ticks While Grounding:
- Refer to episode 20, Tick Safety with 3 Moms Organics (https://kidswhoexplore.com/podcasts/ep-20-tick-safety-with-3-moms-organics/)
- Stay out of long grass
- Learn how to check for ticks after being outdoors, and what to do if you find a tick
- Chickens will eat ticks
- Use cedar oil (Cedarcide brand is what Dr. Koniver likes, or you can check out 3MomsOrganics TickWise) for yourself and your pets
- Don’t let the fear of ticks keep you from getting outside!
Grounding requires moisture and minerals! This is likely why our feet are the most sweaty part of our bodies!
Surfaces that are NOT Conductive for Grounding:
- Rubber soles
- Painted metal
- Black tar asphalt
- Dry lumber
- Artificial turf
Surfaces that ARE Conductive for Grounding:
- Sand, and play sand, if it’s on the earth, and WET!
- Grass
- Unsealed garage
- Sidewalk
- Most pipes
- Metal poles (in the ground)
- Trees
- Rocks that have been touching the earth
Dr. Koniver creates grounding products that are made of natural cotton, stainless steel, and natural materials. She makes sure her grounding materials are good for people and good for the earth.
Learn more from Dr. Laura Koniver:
Website: https://intuition-physician.myshopify.com
IG, Facebook, TikTok: @intuitionphysician
Podcast: Intuition Physician
Documentary: The Earthing Movie
Book Suggestions:
The Earth Prescription by Laura Koniver, M.D.
Only Love Today by Rachel Macy Stafford
Thank you to Sawyer for sponsoring today’s episode! Find more at https://besawyer.com
Today’s Hosts: @laurenrodycheberle & @cldowsett from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Ep. 39 Packing for Skiing and Snowboarding
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Whether you’ve been skiing or snowboarding your whole life, or you’re new to the sport, there’s a lot more gear to pack with extra bodies. Today’s podcast will help you learn not only what to pack for winter adventures with kids, but also, some helpful tips for on the hill!
What to Pack:
- Layers (listen to episode 36, for our three layer rule: https://kidswhoexplore.com/podcasts/ep-36-the-three-layer-winter-rule/)
- Mittens
- Gear: skis/board, boots, bindings, helmet, goggles, poles
- Sled: to carry toddlers and gear
- Baby carrier: for younger siblings, if you’re watching older kids
- Snacks!
- And of course, a positive attitude!
- When kids are younger, use wool socks underneath their mittens for extra warmth (they stay on easily)
- It’s helpful to do the same activity when you’re teaching someone who is learning, partly so you’re facing the same way, and so you can demonstrate
- Check out different ski hills for different pricing and accessibility (some ski hills, 5-year-olds and younger are free)
- Look for second hand gear for little ones, as their gear doesn’t get too worn out
- Pack the night before by laying out all the layers, and loading up the gear in the car
- Practice at home, or in a park, before you go to the slopes!
- Bring more adults, and take turns with the runs
Thank you to Morrison Outdoors for sponsoring today’s podcast! Find more at: www.morrisonoutdoors.com
Today’s Hosts: @laurenrodycheberle & @cldowsett from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Ep. 38 Bear & Wildlife Safety [in Winter] with Kim Titchener
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Did you know bears can, and do, come out of their dens in the winter? If you’re shocked, we got you covered! Wildlife Specialist, Kim Titchener, who is the Owner of Bear Safety and More, is back on the podcast for the third time to help us navigate wildlife safety in winter!
Learn about Bear Safety, Episode 5: https://kidswhoexplore.com/podcasts/ep-5-bear-safety-with-kim-titchene%E2%80%AAr%E2%80%AC/
Learn about Wildlife Safety While Camping, Episode 15: https://kidswhoexplore.com/podcasts/ep-15-wildlife-safety-while-camping-with-kim-titchener/
If you really want to see wildlife in winter, look more into the community of Churchill, Manitoba, where the community truly lives with the polar bears!
Top Safety Reminders:
- Always have bear spray accessible (not tucked away), and know how to use it
- Make lots of noise, regularly (listen to today's episode, to hear Kim’s “Zombie Voice”)
- Be alert
- Keep kids and pets close
- Teach kids: Stay safe as a group and look big, so you’re not misidentified as a “deer”
- Keep scents and food away (even think of fruit trees in the backyard if kids are playing alone in an area with wildlife)
- Carry a communication device
- Carry a first aid kit (and take a wilderness first aid class)
Think about where you are and what animals are in your area.
Hibernation Learning Time:
- You can still get attacked by bears in winter (so, don’t let down your guard in the cold)
- Bear hibernation is called “denning”
What is Bear Denning:
- Bear heart rate slows down
- Bear lives off of fat storages
- Bear stays in a very calm state (unless disturbed)
- Bear can come outside of den to cool off, or repair den from flooding
- Bear gives birth in den
How to Avoid Dens:
- Stay on the trail! Most dens will not be close to a trail
- Downhill backcountry skiiers and ice climbers are more likely to disturb a bear den, so carry bear spray
- Talk to local authorities and find out if they’ve done any denning maps
98% of people who encounter bears and administer their bear spray, walk away with no injuries. Bear spray has not been scientifically tested on other animals, but Kim has video evidence of it working on other animals, like cougars, for example.
- Check if you bear spray is expired
- If it is expired, call your local municipal government to find out locations that accept it, to dispose of it properly
Podcast: Ologies with Alie Ward https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ologies-with-alie-ward/id1278815517
Book: The Orange Shirt Story by Phyllis Webstad
Follow Kim at:
IG: @bearsafetyadventures
Twitter: @bearconflicts
Facebook: Bear Safety and More
Learn more at: www.recsafewithwildlife.com and www.bearsafety.com
Thank you to Scat Belt for sponsoring today’s podcast! Get your Scat Belt today to always have your bear spray accessible at www.scatbelt.com and on IG: @scatbelt. Discount code is KIM for 15% off
Today’s Host: @laurenrodycheberle from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Ep. 37 Risky Play & Nature Education with Brittany Williams
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
How often do you catch yourself saying, “be careful”? Do our kids even know what “be careful” means? Or, do we need to be specific? Do we need to let our children take on some ‘risky play’ to explore the world and see what they are capable of? Brittany Williams is here today to give us insight on all of those questions, and so much more!
Brittany Williams is from Knoxville, Tennessee. She has worked in Early Childhood Education for around 11 years. Children are a true passion of hers – watching them grow, develop and learn to process the world around them brings her pure joy!
How to Safely Allow Risky Play (Does That Sound Like an Oxymoron?):
- Talk through and help them assess the risk
- Stay calm FOR them
- Try using constructive words, versus general words, like “be careful”
- Follow the child’s lead in their interests
“It’s about them exploring for themselves and you being on the sidelines, helping to guide if needed.”
How You Can Set Up a Good Environment:
- Don’t complain
- Bring positive energy
- Enjoy nature WITH them
- SHOW them
- Don’t force – allow for bodily autonomy
You can structure the day, or activity, and allow them to choose what they want to do within that setting.
How to Handle Toddler Tantrums:
- Accept the emotion
- Name the emotion
- Be Aware: Know when it’s going to happen
Suggested Resources:
Learning With Nature by Claire Warden
Wild Play: Parenting Adventures in the Great Outdoors by David Sobel
Follow Brittany on Instagram: @bbwilliams21
Thank you L-Bow Mittens for supporting today’s podcast! Find them on IG: @lbowgear or at www.lbow.com
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
EP. 36 The Three Layer Winter Rule
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
While some people have winter layers down to a science, others are new to winter, or they are new to dressing KIDS for winter. So, let’s sum up our three layer winter rule, for all ages, adults included!
Previous Winter Layer Episodes:
Episode 4: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-4-getting-outside-in-winter/id1548759798?i=1000510277939
Three Layers:
- Base Layer: We like merino wool (or wool). If the merino wool price point is not accessible, synthetic layers work too!
- Mid Layer: We like fleece
- Top Layer: We like water-resistant when they are younger, but waterproof once they are older and playing in the snow or rain
- Extra: Mitts, Toques/Beanies, Socks, Boots, Neck Warmer (fleece or merino wool - size differs between the two; merino wool is more snug)
Merino wool base layers are good for all seasons, because they keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer [also acts as an SPF].
- Check baby’s temperatures by feeling the temperature on the back of their neck
- When babywearing, B&Me (https://bookerandme.com) or babywearing specific layers help to keep both baby and caregiver warm
- When getting to potty training/toilet learning stage, 2-piece clothing is easier than 1-piece
Older Kids:
- Set out the layers in order, so they can get themselves dressed
The stage when kids don’t want layers on:
- Try singing (even about what you’re doing)
- Use a whisper
- Keep your energy calm
Always pack extra clothes, in case anything gets wet.
-10 to -15 degrees Celcius is our limit for big adventures. Colder than that, short adventures just in the backyard.
Thank you to Sawyer for sponsoring today’s episode! https://besawyer.com
Production: @ kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Ep. 35 How to Ditch the Carrier with Rachel Sanchez
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
In the words of the 2-year-old Sanchez daughter, “The mountains are my home.” That is how the Sanchez family is living their lives. Today we chat with Rachel Sanchez about part-time life in a van-home, to ditching the carriers, to hiking while pregnant. KWE is proud to see a family that is allowing nature to help raise their kids!
The Sanchez Family, is a multicultural family based in Utah, USA. They have three little girls and a little boy on the way. They love being outdoors as a family and feel it is the best way to experience life and all that the earth has to offer. They use the outdoors as their favorite parenting tool to teach many of life's important lessons from strength and courage, to kindness and gentleness. Inclusion and diversity in the outdoors is important for Rachel, and her husband, to show her daughters!
How They Make Their Van-Home Feel Like Home:
- Allow each girl to have a drawer in the van that is their own
- Let them bring their favourite items from home
- Her girls are most comfortable in the van in close proximity, especially sleeping
How They Ditch the Child Carriers:
- They decide the carrier isn’t their go-to, and they never tell their kids to get in the carrier
- They expect that the kids will hike [They’ve seen it benefit them so much and foster independence!]
- Carrier has never been a punishment or a necessity, even if they are “going too slow”
- They let them get in and out, as much as they want!
- They choose shorter hikes when they need to
Advice for Hiking While Pregnant:
- Listen to your body and how far you want to go
- Trust yourself
- If pregnant with carrier, wear your pack properly with waist strap buckled, and belly band
- Close to end of pregnancy, maybe avoid using the carrier/hiking pack
- Bring someone along to carry kids
Book Recommendation: Wild Vet Adventures: Saving Animals Around the World with Dr. Gabby Wild
Follow the Sanchez Family on IG: @beboldlittleones
Thank you to Morrison Outdoors for supporting today’s podcast! Find more at: www.morrisonoutdoors.com
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Ep. 34 What If Your Kid Doesn‘t Like the Outdoors with Kika Vila-Nova
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
What if your kid doesn’t like getting outdoors? There’s still hope, at any age…and Kika Vila-Nova is here to share that with us! Her 12-year-old daughter has finally embraced her mama’s love for the outdoors. Tune in to hear tips on helping your child embrace nature, plus hear some great Utah recommendations!
Kika Vila-Nova moved to the USA from Brazil in 2001 to pursue a Master's Degree in Chlidren's Theatre. She fell in love with Utah and all the diverse landscape and that is where she has chosen to raise her 12-year-old daughter. Kika loves to shares their adventures, life as an immigrant and a single mom exploring Utah.
Some Utah Recommendations:
- Salt Lake City
- Zion National Park
- Canyon Meadows Park
- Moab
- Lake Powell
- Bear Lake State Park
- Goblin Valley State Park
How to Help Your Kid LIKE Going Outside:
- Be persistent
- Take your time…take as many breaks as kids want!
- Put the kid in charge of something (evaluate your kids’ personalities)
- Let them take pictures
- Teach them about nature!
- Provide snacks!
- Bring friends
- Make it a game…a little bit at a time
Recommendation: Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty
Follow Kika on IG: @kikassadventures
Check out KWE’s #patch4apurpose to support 1, or all 8, charities:
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Ep. 33 Leave No Trace with the Musser Family
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
The Musser family is the definition of chosen family! From being foster parents to 34 children, to now travelling the United States on a bus with their family of four (plus a dog), to homeschooling in nature, they are here to teach us about respecting the earth, enjoying nature, and leaving no trace!
The Musser family calls themselves a misfit family of four that squeezes themselves (plus a slightly feral pup) into an 18 foot mini skoolie, to live the full time nomad life. Their eldest - Buckets - was adopted from foster care. Their son - Monkey - they are legal guardians of. And their puppy - Dingo - is a rescue mutt found running with a wild pack of dogs. The Tall One works remotely as an electrical engineer designing power and lighting for new construction to pay the bills, while Minnie plays paparazzi and writes for a couple outlets about their wild adventures. They love skiing, rock climbing, trail running, hiking, backpacking and all things that include getting dirty. Minnie just completed a hike on the pacific crest trail from Mexico to Canada and together as a family they are training to safely mountaineer.
Leave No Trace
- Do not litter
- Pick up garbage you see in nature and on the ground
- Leave nature as nature; remember even a leaf can be an animal’s home
- Do not create fires just anywhere; research fire bans, and only use fire rings that rangers make and maintain
- Tip: Call the ranger station and they will come collect garbage bags you have picked up, and dispose of them
Kids suggest making picking up trash a game, like I Spy!
“Do something about it…put in action to make the world better!”
The Musser family likes to spend money on experiences rather than things. This year they are spending their adventure money on a Power Pass that gets you access to ski within 4 states.
Follow IG: @runawaymusbus
Website: www.runawaymusbus.com
Check out KWE’s #patch4apurpose to support 1, or all 8, charities:
Production: @kpmediaproductions.
Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Ep. 32 Fall Bucket List with Kids
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
We love adventure wish lists and the fall season brings so much to wish for! Tune in to hear what’s on our bucket lists for the fall, and snag some ideas for your families!
Our Fall Bucket List:
- Larch Hike
- Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze
- Pumpkin Decorating or Carving
- Eat Pumpkin Anything
- Eat Apple Anything!!
- Halloween Celebrations (Tip: Take costume pics a day(s) ahead of trick-or-treating)
- Fall Crafts (Leaf or Rock Art)
- Thanksgiving Celebration
- Create a Fall Tradition (ie. Annual Bike Trip)
Tripod Recommendation - Small Portable Tripod for your hiking pack (Logics)
Meditation Suggestion: https://m.youtube.com/user/TheHonestGuys
Thank you to Sawyer for sponsoring today’s episode! https://besawyer.com
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Ep. 31 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for the Planet with Michelle Dias
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
It’s no surprise that we love our planet. We love nature, and we want to protect it! Today’s episode teaches us how to lessen our impact on the environment through recycling and compost. Michelle Dias, an expert in the two, teaches us what the three R’s should REALLY be, (with a C mixed in there)!
The Three R’s:
- REDUCE (as much as possible, first)
- Then REUSE,
- And if you can’t do either of those, RECYCLE (recycling does require a lot of energy, so put YOUR energy into the first two!).
Michelle Dias, born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, studied Biology at the University of Calgary. She now works for the Waste & Recycling Services at the City of Calgary. She has been a naturalist and environmental educator for over 20 years, and has always felt curious and inspired by nature.
Fun Fact: Michelle did a blended program with her two children for school, which included home school, as well as outdoor school. It’s called Windsor Park.
Some of the information below will be Calgary, AB specific, so please check the rules for the recycling and composting programs in your municipality.
- Try products with less packaging, like laundry detergent strips, or bar shampoo and conditioner
- Remove purely recyclable items from your kitchen, such as Ziploc bags, and use reusable jars or bags instead
- Get things second-hand
- Reuse items like jam jars and other containers!
- The three categories of recycling are: Containers (plastic, tin, glass…think kitchen and bathroom packaging), paper, plastic bags
- Loose bags do not belong in the blue cart. Plastic bags should be stretchy material and bundled all in one, so they do not fly away at the facility. Crinkly plastic bags, like pasta bags are not collected
- Household items like toy trucks, shoes, and toothbrushes are not for the blue cart (when recycling, think about packaging over items)
- Black plastic can be a challenge to recycle in some systems, because of black conveyer belts camouflaging the items and the scanners not recognizing them
- Recycling metal, glass, and paper is way more valuable than recycling plastic (although, we should still recycle plastic that can be recycled...or reduce it in the first place!)
- Rule of thumb: anything smaller than your hand cannot be recycled. For example, Starbucks lids or to-go sauce containers. However, if recycled at the locations you received them, they usually have a program to recycle!
- [In Calgary, specifically] no food packaging and plastic can be composted, even if it says compostable (remember, it also takes a lot of resources to make compostable containers)
- Some offices or festivals have their own compostable systems that can handle compostable containers
- Food and yard scraps can be composted
*Terra Cycle is a company that recycles old items like toothpaste and other mixed material items. Michelle thinks it’s worth looking at the energy spent on shipping one item at a time; we don’t want to negate the benefit.*
City of Calgary Waste and Recycling: https://www.calgary.ca/uep/wrs/waste-and-recycling-services.html
Library programs: https://calgarylibrary.ca/events-and-programs/programs/talking-trash-with-waste-and-recycling/
Virtual KWE Planet Cleanup: https://kidswhoexplore.com/events/virtual-kids-who-explore-planet-cleanup/
Check out KWE’s #patch4apurpose to support 1, or all 8, charities:
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music.